Saturday, May 21, 2011

PHP 5 with new exiting features

New OOPs Concept with PHP5.

Here i am begin small tutorial for beginner as well as Professional..

Class:- It is an real world entity, like Person, Car, Employee etc
it contain properties also call variable and functions or Methods.

Object:- it is the instance of class. it like a variable , that is capable of using all class member variable as well as class member function.

Constructor: it is the important part of Class,behave like a function. It is  a class function that execute automatically when we declare the object of that class.
their is no need to execute constructor by calling method. example 

class className
//in php5 
function __construct()
{// this is the constructor , here we mention such type of statements that execute automatically when the object is created.

}// end of class 

the access modifiers are those who will specify the Scope of variable as well as functions...
here the name of some are as:
  • Private
  • Public
  • Protected
  • Final
  • Abstruct

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

PHP 5 with new exiting features

Technology news

 Google and Yahoo start collaboration with Indian Govt.

Google and Yahoo start collaboration with Indian Govt. to set up approximate 20 new IIIT  in different parts of the country. This Venture is named as PPP public private partnership.

It's celebration time at Mahindra Satyam...