Keep in mind that you use joomla1.7 and jomsocial 2.2.3 version
Today i will Explain you the Step by step Guide in Easy and very Clean way how to add a chat module for Joomla1.7 and jomsocial 2.2.3 even this is done by me.
so here i show some links and paths so work as i told to you, hope you find it easy, me take it 10 days to Do this.
- Name of Chat module that i found is Cometchat here is its website.(
- Purchase the Cometchat for jomsocial from here(or download it from other source if you can)
- After downloading : Unzip it.
- Go to the folder where you put your put your Jomsocial folder and Save here the cometchat folder.
- This one path example: /www/joomla1_7/cometchat
- or just same where your , Component folder exists.
- After that on your url :
- type the complete url :
- like: www/joomla/cometchat/install.php
- Install.php is the key file to install this.
- as you do this some instruction you have to follow like:
- Full 777 permission to the folders.
- Copy some code and paste into the HEAD section of your Template page(main template like bee20, default etc)
- also Define('') code be updated in config.php file
- After completing that , delete the install.php file.
- Then go to the jomsocial -> login it and enjoy the chat, with your friends.
Also you find this link may be helpful : Guide me!
to downloads the cometchat :use this link but i am not sure that this links works or not
Hope you understand this: if not the Post your Comment sure i will helps you....